Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

a not-so-good day

today is not sooo good as what i expected today would be .
i got all these plans and well, it didn't work out right . :(
since we're gonna be separated for 2 months or so,
i got all these plans for today in my mind .
i want to have a hairspa with my bf .
i want to go to library with him .
i want to do oh-so many things with him,
i miss him.
but well, he can't go with me coz he got a job to do .
yeah, i admit i was very dissapointed at first.
i even cry . *i guessed my monthly mood have something to do with this*
but well, in the end . after he apologize to me and call me,
i understand . i can't be egoistic and have him for myself when he got something to do.
so, sorry beb . i make such a drama today ,
but i was happy you understand :)

my only one .

XOXO dini

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