Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
akhirnya ! :)
alhamdulillah :)
dia gakpapa.
ya bukannya gakpapa sih .
sakit flu gitu .
tapi udah minum obat katanya .
dan sekarang dia tidur .
semoogaa kamu cepet sembuh sayaaang *i really mean it this time . nt some old cliche you tell to someone who is sick .
and yeahs . i love youu .
thing weren't the same here without you .
dini .
When you're gone.
Tapi, hari ini dia pergi ke cina.
Dan dengan tiadanya kabar yang diharapharapkan, bahwa dia sampe dengan selamat, saya jadi cemas, dan kawatir.
Begitu ada kabar ternyata malah lewat teman saya, titis yang juga lagi d cina.
Katanya titis, dia lagi terjebak d stasiun. Nunggu kereta. Hufh.
Jadilah saya gak bisa tdur . Mengkhawatirkan 1 manusia yang paling saya pedulikan. Dan malah posting blog jam 3.15 pagi.
Tapi. Berpisah gini jadi bikin saya semakin yakin.
dan yah.
semua gak akan sama tanpa dia.
yang slalu bisa mencerahkan harihariku yang membosankan.
God, I miss him so bad.
Senin, 05 Juli 2010
sudah H-5 . dan masiiih banyak hal yg blom saya lakukan.
belom slese packing, belom vaksin, belom dapet kaosnya aiesec,
dan blom dapet kostum narinya .
huahs .
banyaaaak yang harus dilakukan .
:( males deh . ada yang mau bantu saya ?any help is greatly appreciated . :)
si pacar udah berangkat ke china tadi pagi .
huah , i'll be missing youu huns .
hati hati yah disana ,
oke , sekian .,
maafkan tas kegejeannya .
saya cuma lagi sumpek dan merasa butuh menulis . hehe
XOXO, dini
Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010
oh oh oh. H-9
sebentaaar lagi sudah berangkat ke indiaa .
oh oh oh .
ndredegg , butterfly in my stomach . :)
ndredegnya ndredeg yang bagus sehh .
model model ndredeg antisipasi mau ditembak .
ngerti maksud sayaa kan ? haha
ohh . pastiii banyak hal yang bakal sayaa rindukan .
KAMU , orangtua , adik adik yang nakalnya minta ampun,
uti , yangkung , teman teman ,
dan yang jelas pasti makanan dan denger orang ngomong bahasa indonesia .
jadi agak kepikiran, saya gak bakal kehilangan kemampuan berbahasa indonesia kan nanti?
mogamoga tidak . :)
banyaaak sekali hal yang harus disiapin ,
dan sebagai cewek , hal hal itu jadi rumit, dan akhirnya membuat saya males ngurusinnya.
bawa baju berapa set?apa aja? sepatu? apa sandal? apa duaduanya?
apa perlu bawa sunblock? kosmetik apa aja?
perlu beli aapa aja yang baru? krudungnya? daleman krudung?
brosbros? oleholeh buat yang di india?
kopernya cukup? dan segala macam tetek bengek kecil yang sebenernya gak penting tapi dirasa penting lainnya .
dan belum lagiii dengan segala tetek bengek imigrasi ,
karena ini pertama kalinya keluar negri ,
jadi tmbah bingung dan nervous .
untuuung ada teman sayaaa yg baiikk hatii, aruum .
heheh, aku mengandalkanmuuu beb !:) hahaha
yah, walaupun masih H-9,
mohon doanyaaa yaaa semuanya .
semoga perjalanannya aman dan lancar ,
semoga pengalamannya bisa membuat sayaa belajar ,
dan semoga saya tidak homesick kangen indonesia .
love youuuu,
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
cinderella part 2.
Cinderella - Tata Young
When I was just a little girl
My momma used to tuck me into bed and she read me a story
It always was about a Princess in distress
And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory
I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I wanted to be
Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no-one else
I'd rather rescue myself
Someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart and mind
Who's not afraid to show that he loves me
Somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way I am Don't need nobody taking care of me
I will be there for him just as strong as he, will be there for me
When I give myself then it has got to be, an equal thing
I can slay, my own dragon
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So I'm gonna set me free
its exactly how i want to picture myself if i were in a fairytale .
i want to be strong enough to protect my love ones . and to struggle for my happy ending .
and soo yes. this lyric suit me ! :)
*hey , the singer is a hottie also. and she's an Asian too anyway. i admire her . :)
dini , XOOX
Cinderella . :)
i have to remind you first , this post is not about disney .

ok, well all of these Cinderella thingy started with the comment of my friend's new BF .
"dini itu kayak hidup di dunianya sendiri"
"dini itu kayak lagi nyari sepatu kacanya ya"
yah . gak terlalu inget sih, gimana omongan pastinya .
im reaalyy really bad at remembering things about people . haha
well, anyway, sejarahnya dari dulu emang aku sukaaa banget yg namanya cerita ,
all types of stories . and i got this obsession from reading books .
which is the activity I truly love .
dan yah , secara khusus aku suka segala macam cerita fantasi.
sebelum ada harry potter, twilight saga dan segala macem ,
bacaan wajibku cuma berbagai macam buku dongeng.
from east to west.
dari grimm sampai dongeng Indonesia .
especially if the story had a princesses and princes in it . ♥ it !
pokoknya semua buku2 , cerita cerita itu yang selalu siap sedia menemani. :)
dalam susah maupun senang . haha
kayaknya, ini nih yang bikin aku hidup di duniaku sendiri .
dan didukung oleh kemampuan berfantasiku tentang berbagai macam hal ,
aku udah ngerasa teraktualisasi , dan bahagia .
jadi yaaah , lahirlah seorang weirdo . * i mean this in a good way . why would i want to shame myself? hha
soal cinderellanya ,
si BF baru ini bilang, soalnya orangtuaku gini gitu .
yah , buat yang kenal aku pasti taulah yaa, gimana .
well, about that, cinderella story is not quite suitable .
aku gak sebaik cinderella , and im certainly not that beautiful .
and i dont think my parents did all these things because they hate me .
they just overly love me .
but yah , gak nolak sih , dimiripin sama cinderella,
sapa tau dapet happy endingnya , :) amiiin .
sebenernya , kalo kupikirpikir lagi ,
mungkin aku lebih lagi dalam perjalanan nyari dongengku sendiri ,
with my own prince, my own magic ,
and my own happy ending .
like my BF said, *yang dia bilang waktu dia marah ke aku*
"cerita cerita itu kan gak kayak hidup,
ceritanya tamat udah slesai . "
but didn't it feel great to believe that there is someone who can get a happy ending?
makes you believe you can get one yourself.
who knows, if you really believe it, you happen to get one yourself?
and so yes ,
i believe in happy ending ,
that i will get one . with my love ones. :)
XOXOXOX, hugs and kisses,
dini .
PS : hey, sebenernya walaupun buku dan fantasi udah bisa bikin bahagia,
tapi sebenernya a friend does that wonder too .
jadi , tidak teman teman . aku tidak mengecilkan peranan kalian dalam kebahagiaanku ,
ini berlaku untukmu juga BF.
I really do LOVE you guys. thank you for staying with me in my worst conditions.
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010
kue kue kue . pie buah .
i like to make cakes in my free time ,
just for me or even for my love ones .
it helps repair my bad moods too. :) *tehee .
ok, lets just cut the non sense talk .
this is my favorite one so far .
it is easy and yummy . :)
fruit pie . pie buah .
Bahan kulit :
200 gr tepung terigu
25 gr gula
2 kuning telur
100 gr mentega beku
1 sdt vanili
1 sdm susu
3 gls susu cair
2 sdm tepung
gula pasir secukupnya
1 btr kuning telur, kocok
1 sdt Vanila
Lapisan bening:
1/4 bungkus agar2 bening
1/2 gelas air
1sdm gula pasir
1/2 sdt vanili
buah kaleng/buah2an segar sesuai selera
buat kulit nyaaa :
Campur semua bahan, aduk dengan 2 pisau
dengan cara seperti membelah sampai berbutir-butir.
Tutup dengan
plastic wrap dan simpan dilemari es selama 1/2 jam.
cetakan, ratakan dengan garpu.
Panggang selama 20 menit dengan suhu
160 der. C
buat vlanya :
Campur semua bahan jadi satu diatas kompor,
aduk sampai mendidih. Matikan api, sisihkan.
buat agaragar tipisnya :
masak air dan agar2, gula, vanili sampai mendidih, angkat.
susun buah diatas pie, siram larutan agar2 tipis aja tapi merata.
PS : buat bikin agar agarnyaa , lebih enak kalo pake airnya di buah kalengan ,jadi lebih kerasa buahnya , :)
aku gak terlalu inget resepku yg kemaren itu gimana siih .
ini ngambil dr internet ku edit dikiit.
love and kisses ,
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
my piccoli softlens. :)
ayeeeeeey ! im very happy . :))
it is quite comfy . but not THAT comfy tough.
but anyway, i like the way it suits my eyes . hehe
there is some bad comments too . :(
my mum said i look scary, like a living doll .
my brother said that its too black and i look like a devil .
my granny said i look not normal and she advise me to use a blue ones .
blue ? well, i try it some other time, gran. hhehe
but hey, i will ignore all the bad comment and focused on how i think it is for me .
i think it is beautiful , and so, im proud of it . :)
lenka - we will not grow old
maybe its an effect for the return of my phone? huh?
nevermind . ahaha
i have had this song since a few months ago in my phone but didnt really paid attention to it.
and todaaaayy, when i decide to invest some time to listen to it ,
i just fell in love with this song .
it have this energetic positive feeling and gives you the passion to stand for your love ones,
to treasure the feeling you feel and to be able to be with them till you get old.
i dont think this song is only a love song for your lover or something like that,
but i think this song can also apply to other love.
family love, friendship love -- you name it.
anyway , it is WONDERFUL song .
youu really should listen.
You and me will be lying side by side
Forever forever
Underneath this adolescent sky
Together together
And you will hold my heart inside your hand
And You'll be the one, the one to tell me
Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
You made me swear that our hearts will never die
No never, no never
Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them
Oh, you told me
Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
Oh, how could we know that day, it came with age
That oh, the feeling would fade...
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
ahahha . if its love-train .
just like in hey soul sister, you get the same different feeling .
not getting it? well, you get the same excited feeling but different kind of love .
hmm, how to say it?
ah . nevermind . im never a man of words anyway , haha
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it
My feet have been on the floor
Flat like an idle singer
Remember winger
I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life
But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me
Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face
You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again
When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me
never told you - colbie caillat .
it is sweet and sad . and since i always love colbie caillat, i downloaded it .
and yeah . it was worth the wait.
it makes me feel bad for people who thinks that to say love words is not important.
it is important . how do you think your love ones will know you love them?
you can't take their love for granted you know .
one day you'll wake up and they just fly away .
*argh. my active imagination . sorry . :)
well yeah, anyway, this is the lyrics.
you'll get my points better if you read the lyrics yourself. ehehehe
never told you - colbie caillat
I miss those blue eyes
How you kiss me at night
I miss the way we sleep
Like there's no sunrise
Like the taste of your smile
I miss the way we breathe
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
And after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you
I see your blue eyes
Everytime I close mine
You make it hard to see
Where I belong to
When I'm not around you
It's like I'm alone with me
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
And after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
And after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you
john mayer again . half of my heart .
I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I've been
Then you come crashing in, like the realest thing
Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring
Oh, half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep loving you (can't keep loving you)
Oh, with half of my heart
I was made to believe I'd never love somebody else
Made a plan, stay the man who can only love himself
Lonely was the song I sang, until the day you came
Showing me another way and all that my love can bring
Oh, half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep loving you (can't keep loving you)
Oh, with half of my heart
With half of my heart
Your faith is strong
But I can only fall short for so long
Down the road, later on
You will hate that I never gave more to you
Than half of my heart
But I can't stop loving you
I can't stop loving you
I can't stop loving you
I can't stop loving you
I can't stop loving you
With half of my . . .
Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart's got a real good imagination
Half of my heart's got you
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That half of my heart won't do
Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring
And half of my heart is the part of a man who's never truly loved anything
Half of my heart, oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart, oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart, oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart . .
what i looove about this song is that it is pretty easy listening ,
and it is romantic .dont you think it is sweet if someone you love would sang it to you? :)
*ah, there you go. my imagination running wild. hhe
hey , if you notice, there is taylor swift singing in the middle end of the song .
pretty nice .
dini . XOXO
my perfect day ! :) mwah*
ah well, i dont have the word to say it, but you get the point right ? ahahha . :)
im going for a date with my bf today .
he was sooo nice, sooo sweet and funny .
and, yey me ! my statistics exam was a success *i think so, but i haven't got the result yet. hhe*
and another yey is that my phone is out of sony ericsson service center . sooo HAPPY . :)
i can't help to smile all day .
our date was started in unusual place for other couples.
we go to the library, *we both love to read, so whats wrong with that?
and then to matos to pick up my phone . and eat cheese cakes and hot chocolate , hha
and then we go to FM salon to get a creambath ! ayey !
ok, dont get me wrong . my bf is not some kind of mesos or whatever ,
he just like to try new things . and i adore him for that . cause i am like that too . :)
ah well, thaaaankk youu so much darl.
today is wonderful.
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
a not-so-good day
i got all these plans and well, it didn't work out right . :(
since we're gonna be separated for 2 months or so,
i got all these plans for today in my mind .
i want to have a hairspa with my bf .
i want to go to library with him .
i want to do oh-so many things with him,
i miss him.
but well, he can't go with me coz he got a job to do .
yeah, i admit i was very dissapointed at first.
i even cry . *i guessed my monthly mood have something to do with this*
but well, in the end . after he apologize to me and call me,
i understand . i can't be egoistic and have him for myself when he got something to do.
so, sorry beb . i make such a drama today ,
but i was happy you understand :)
my only one .
XOXO dini
softlens :)

finally . oohh finally . i get a contact for my min 7 softlens.
it's pretty cheap . only 95000 rupiah and its an X2 softlens .
yah . not bad . :)
aaaaannnnddd ...
i've just transferred the money today .
and yeaaah . im sooo damn excited .
wondering how long i should wait for it .. *suuuuper excited*
thanks for readiiing this unimportant-but-making-me-excited news ,
Selasa, 22 Juni 2010
my best pal . and my part time lover. :)
the one who always make my boriing days colorful . :)
we've been trough a lot of things together .
a LOT of difficult things .
but a LOT more wonderful things .
maybe our relationship is not like a usual relationship.
we often considered weird and out of line .
but well, you all, we're still together right? :)
i believe that not only the love that will make a relationship strong.
but also, the uniqueness . the feeling that your relationship is special .
and that's how i feel about my relationship. :)
he is a very good friend to me, and a wonderful lover .
he is unique, funny, talented, adorable and gorgeous * I use that word again . :)) haha
and so darling, i'm grateful to have you.
thanks for falling in love with me .
and to never stop fighting for me, and with me .
i would never go this far, if it weren't you .
you know me better than I do.
so . you must know that i am no expert of words.
unlike you . :) *its one of your skill that i really fond of. hhe
but i hope that this could give you the warm feeling as what you did with your words to me .
cause suddenly just i love you is not enough .
but i say it anyway , i love you darling .
i'll always do .
with lots of love ,
dini .
Exam Week ! :( and sooo many things to do.
cepettnyaaa . gak kerasa .
dan rasanya otak saya masih kosong .
kemariin waktu ujian finance kekosongan otak saya sudah dipastikan .
dari 3 soal . gak ada yang bisa . huahahahha
entah mau ketawa atau nangis nih jadinya , hha
OM , yang diujiankan hari ini siiih lumayan .
mungkin . tapi kayaknya emang leih mending daripada finance kmaren . :)
cukup bersyukuuur lah . hhe
hemmm . dan selain daripada ujian yang bakal berlangsung ada juga bberapa masalah yang ikut saya pikirkan .
pertama . VISA indiaku . i havent mention it yet. but i will go to india this July. YEEEIIY ME !
hha . dan sebelum saya ke india, rencananya sih mau ke singapore dulu sama mamapapaadikadik. dan . itu artinya visa India harus selesai sebelum tanggal 30.
dan sampai sekarang , BELUM ada kabarnya . huks.
kedua . softlensku waktunya ganti . dan hell, it takes the world to find a minus 7 black softlens.
ada yang punya infoo , please ?

ketiga . baju yang rencananya mau kubawa ke india, penjahitnya reppoooot banget . bingung deh . gmana akhirnya ntar.
keempat . my special person is going to China . and i dont think we have THAT much time together . oh gawd , gonna miss him .
kelima . gak terlalu penting sebenernya . tapi kepikiran juga . hapeku tersayang masih
diservis . huks . pengen kubawa ke india padahal . OH ! dan laptopku . stelah kejadian meledak itu belum dibenerin . payah .
and other small problematic things that came across my mind . :(
yah . wish me luck ! semoga semua selesaaaiii .
beres . dan aku tinggal menarik napas lega .
dini .
thank youuu for reading this :) haha
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
Heartbreak warfare - john meyer .
Inside, my chest to keep me up at night

To make you understand my pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Drop his name
Push it in and twist the knife again
Watch my face
As I pretend to feel no pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare.
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Just say so...
How come the only way to know how high you get me
is to see how far I fall
God only knows how much I'd love you if you let me
but I can't break through at all.
It's a heartbreak...
I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight
Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right
If you lay your weapon down
Red wine and ambien
You're talking *shit* again, it's heartbreak warfare
Good to know it's all a game
Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak, heartbreak.
It's heartbreak warfare.
It's heartbreak warfare.
It's heartbreak warfare.
and how good he sang it,
i love this song .
and it makes me ask myself too . did i ever make my bf feel like this ?
hmm .
often i guess . sorryy . :(
bosaaaaaaaan .
sooo bored . B-O-R-E-D . *see? i even spell it so you can see just how bored i am .
and,, the implications of my boredom are
that i started picking fights with everyone close to me.
that i started sleeping too much.
eating to much.
and all the bad things god knows i did.
just wishing this stupid holiday to end .
wishing hard , amin .
with all the love that still left in me,
dini , XOXO
PS:sorry beb , for asking too much today ,
im just frustated not to have anything to do.
but youu know rite? i love you. :)
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010
my review on Totto-chan's Children: A Goodwill Journey to the Children of the World

i just read this awesooome book . Totto-chan's Children: A Goodwill Journey to the Children of the World.
my sister is the one who bought it. haha . thank youuu sissy.
inii nih deskripsinya d gramedia ,..
Totto-chan kini sudah dewasa. Ia sekarang menjadi aktris terkenal dan punya banyak penggemar. Tapi Totto-chan tak pernah melupakan masa kecilnya. Karena itulah Totto-chan langsung setuju ketika UNICEF menawarinya untuk jadi Duta Kemanusiaan.
Sejak itu, Totto-chan berkunjung ke banyak negara dan menemui berbagai macam anak. Di negara-negara yang mengalami kekeringan hebat atau terkena dampak perang, anak-anak yang sebenarnya polos dan tak berdosa selalu jadi korban. Ternyata masih banyak sekali anak-anak dunia yang tidak bisa makan, tidak bisa sekolah, tidak bisa dirawat ketika sakit, bahkan mengalami trauma hebat akibat perang.
Lewat buku ini Totto-chan ingin menceritakan pengalamannya saat bertemu anak-anak manis itu supaya semakin banyak orang bisa membantu anak-anak dunia menggapai masa depan yang lebih baik.
its a very very inspiring book .
ini bukan tipe tipe buku yang bakal dicicil bacanya.
its the kind of book that you will read until the last page .
buku ini membuka mata kita akan anak anak diseluruh dunia.
dampak perang, alam yang rusak .
in the end, the one who will suffer are the children .
di buku ini, ada quote yang baguuuss banget .
emang cheesy . lots of people have said this .
" manusia tidak dilahirkan untuk saling membenci,
mereka dilahirkan untuk saling mengasihi."
pokoknyaa , it is a veeeerrryyy reccomended book .
there's no right words to describe it.
you ought to read it yourself.
i promise you, you just gonna simply love it .
with love,
dini . xoxo
first entry !
kind of wondering to myself why it takes soooooooooo long just to make one .
well, lets just cut the non sense talks.
i decide to start blogging,
cause i think it's time to give something to others .
rather than just keeping it for myself.
it maybe not be a significant ones,
but lets just hope that it would help .
haha. if it doesn't , well, sowwiiiiiee .
with love , and apology,
dini . XOXOXO